Things are about to get more interesting over here at Folksblogen. We are packing up and preparing to move our belongings into storage for the third time in eight years. Yesterday, Facebook reminded us of one of those moves six years ago, where we said this would be the last time we moved our belongings. Ever. Hahaha! Three moves do not take into account moving our belongings from storage unit to storage unit because our movers/ storage company suddenly decided to close their business after 46 years. It doesn’t include moving our art collection and clothing to Julie’s dad’s house in Amherstburg and then moving it all back to Toronto two years later. And it does not include packing up Julie’s dad’s house to sell and moving him to a retirement home followed by a long-term care home. Who’s counting?! Wink.

We continue to reduce the quantity of what we keep. Again, as we purge and pack, we continue to learn how little we need or want. Though we remember some of the belongings we let go of with fondness, we don’t regret a less encumbered life. The more we let go, the lighter we feel and the more we genuinely value experiences and relationships.

Our residency here was always temporary though longer than anticipated. Of course, we moved here to support Julie’s dad. It is strange to return to where one was born and raised and never intended to live again. However, we were both happy we were here to support Bill in the final three years of his life. A period that was already hard was made so much more challenging with the addition of a worldwide pandemic. Aside from spending time with Julie’s dad, we spent meaningful time with aunts and uncles and cousins, friends old and new.

We approached living here as we would a travel destination. We have loved watching Amherstburg become reimagined and reinvigorated. Open Air Weekends, the new bookstore and other promising new businesses, inventive festivals and events all added to our enjoyment. And living right in the centre of town within walking distance to everything we needed, it was the perfect home base.

The river and lake brought us immense pleasure. Getting to enjoy this landscape in four different seasons has been a gift.
We are grateful to have had this time to learn more about Amherstburg, the town where Julie grew up, the area’s history, and the generations that preceded us.
June first can’t come soon enough. We’re ready for new experiences and landscapes. While exploring, we may even find a place to call home. Or many places?!